Nuna Pipa Models vs. Nuna Rava | Car Seat Comparison

Nuna Pipa Models vs. Nuna Rava | Car Seat Comparison

Nuna is well-known for their high-quality baby products and innovative designs, including their best selling car seats. Nuna car seats are appreciated for their exceptional safety features, modern aesthetics, comfortability, and user-friendly functionality. Additionally, Nuna is highly regarded for its commitment to sustainability and eco-friendly manufacturing practices, making them a popular choice among environmentally-conscious parents.

Nuna makes infant car seats that can attach to strollers, as well as convertible car seats that can be used from birth and grow with your child. However, convertible car seats do not work on strollers and are meant to stay in your car as they are heavier and more cumbersome to move.

In this post, we'll compare all the differences between the Nuna PIPA line of infant car seats and the best-selling convertible Nuna RAVA.

See this Nuna PIPA series comparison for the differences between the models of the PIPA.

 Nuna Pipa Series Infant Car Seats vs. Nuna Rava

Nuna PIPA models

Beloved for both its safety and style, the Nuna PIPA is one of few infant car seats to earn a "best" crash protection rating from Consumer Reports. The PIPA features a steel load leg and rigid LATCH connectors to prevent the car seat from rotating or rebounding in a crash.

In addition to Nuna strollers, the PIPA is compatible with dozens of strollers from top brands. Unique to the PIPA is a "Sky Drape," a magnetic cover that provides full sun protection and conveniently zips into the canopy when not in use.

In recent years, Nuna has expanded its car seat lineup and has now simplified it to include three car seat models. The PIPA RX comes with Nuna's upgraded and more-adjustable RELX base. The PIPA aire RX is the lightest on the market and like the PIPA RX also comes with the RELX base. The RELX base offers four recline positions and adjustable LATCH connectors that help you achieve a tighter fit against your vehicle seat. And lastly, the PIPA Urbn is Nuna’s baseless car seat, perfect for on the go families!

See our PIPA series comparison for a full overview of the PIPA models.


*It is important to note that the PIPA Lite RX, PIPA Lite LX, PIPA Lite and original PIPA have all been discontinued.

 nuna pipa lite rx infant car seat


As one of the highest-rated convertible car seats by Consumer Reports, the all-steel Nuna RAVA is a top choice for both safety and convenience. Convertible car seats are able to be installed rear facing and forward facing once your child grows.

The RAVA is one of the easiest convertible car seats to install: Simply open the door in the bottom of the car seat, thread through your vehicle seatbelt, and close the door for a secure installation. With the RAVA's 10 recline positions, it's easy to find a comfortable fit for your child and your vehicle, too.

The RAVA has not changed functionally since its most recent update in 2019.

 Nuna Rava Convertible Car Seat

Nuna PIPA vs. Nuna RAVA Price:

All versions of the PIPA are among the few car seats on the market that are free of flame-retardant chemicals.

The discrepancy in pricing for the PIPA models are due to the type of materials, and features. The PIPA aire RX is made with a proprietary type of foam that's lighter and more flexible. The PIPA Urbn is only sold as a travel system with one of these strollers: MIXX Next, TRIV Next, or TRVL.

For current pricing please see the product pages:

All colors of the RAVA are made with a bamboo-blend fabric that's breathable and chemical-free.

For current pricing please see the product page:

Nuna PIPA vs. Nuna RAVA Height and Weight Limit:

The major difference between the Nuna PIPA and the Nuna RAVA is that one is an infant seat and one is a convertible car seat meant to grow with your child, starting as a rear-facing seat for a baby and transitioning to a forward-facing seat for an older child. 

The PIPA seats are infant seats that will be outgrown around age 1. Your baby will then transition to a convertible car seat like the RAVA, and stay rear facing before transitioning to forward facing later on.

The RAVA is a convertible car seat, but can be used from birth - it can safely support a 5-pound baby! Your child will likely outgrow the RAVA around age 5 or 6, when they reach 49" in height or 65 pounds in weight (or their harness straps no longer come from above or even with the shoulders when forward facing).

PIPA Limits:

  • PIPA aire RX: 4 to 30 pounds and up to 30" height limit; or head within 1” of top of seat - when one of these is met, the seat is outgrown
  • PIPA RX: 4 to 32 pounds; 32" height limit; or head within 1” of top of seat - when one of these is met, the seat is outgrown
  • PIPA Urbn: 4 to 22 pounds; 29” height limit; or head within 1” of top of seat - when one of these is met, the seat is outgrown

RAVA Limits:


  • 5 to 50 pounds; 49" or less

Forward-Facing - safest practice is to rear face until one of the limits is met rear-facing

  • 25 to 65 pounds; 49" or less

 Nuna Pipa models vs Nuna Rava car seats

Nuna PIPA vs. Nuna RAVA Specifications:

The Nuna PIPA will occupy more space in your vehicle compared with the Nuna RAVA. The RAVA is one of the slimmest front-to-back convertible car seats on the market making it great for taller parents and passengers who need the leg room in front.

The RAVA offers more adjustability compared to the PIPA seats as it is a convertible car seat and offers 10 recline positions and 10 headrest positions.

Product Weight


  • RAVA: 16"L x 19"W x 25"H

Recline Positions

  • PIPA RX: base reclines to 4 positions - two positions for babies 4-20 pounds and two positions for 21-32 pounds
  • PIPA aire RX: base reclines to four positions - two positions for babies 4-20 pounds and two positions for 21-30 pounds
  • PIPA Urbn: no set recline as there’s no base