Why Are Infant Car Seats So Heavy? | Infant Car Seat Options

Woman carrying Nuna PIPA Urbn infant car seat

Infant car seats are often heavy due to design and safety features that contribute to their overall weight. However, in the world of car seats, infant car seats are some of the lighter, more convenient and portable car seats. Typically infant car seats weigh between 7 and 10 pounds, not including the base. However, the base will likely stay installed in the car so you don't really need to worry about how much it weighs. 

If you're wanting the lightest infant car seat, Nuna is known for designing lighter than average infant seats! Plus you can always pop your infant car seat into a compatible stroller so you don't need to carry it. Or you could consider the Doona - the infant car seat that turns into a stroller! 

Shop infant car seats here!

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