Can I buy the 2020 UPPAbaby Vista V2 Toddler Seat for an older stroller?

Can I buy the 2020 UPPAbaby VISTA V2 Toddler Seat for an older stroller?

UPPAbaby does not sell the Vista toddler seat separately from the Vista frame, so the 2020 Vista V2 toddler seat will not be available to purchase for older Vista frames. UPPAbaby is making a number of exciting changes for 2020 with the Vista V2.


What's new for the Vista V2 toddler seat itself? UPPAbaby is updating the fashions and fabrics with the addition of leather brand tags on the canopy, four new colors, a redesigned canopy with additional mesh window and sun protection, and a no-rethread harness for added convenience.


Besides new fashions, UPPAbaby is making a few functional and aesthetic changes to the Vista for 2020, including updated, all-wheel spring-action suspension, a new harness that does not require re-threading as your child grows, and an updated sun canopy with new ventilation and a more structured canopy extension.

Read more about the changes for 2020 on this blog post to see if the Vista V2 is a better option for your needs!

If your Vista is a 2015 to 2019 model year, you will still be able to convert your stroller to a double and use accessories going forward without issue. The 2020 Vista V2 Rumbleseat is still compatible with your stroller frame, though you may wish to purchase a 2019 Vista Rumbleseat if you have one of the three colors being discontinued as noted in this blog post.

If you have a Vista from 2014 and earlier, it may be difficult to find compatible accessories, car seat adapters, and parts. You will likely need to purchase these items as spare parts directly from the manufacturer. In this case, it may be beneficial to consider the new model to ensure you can utilize all of the benefits of the Vista as designed, including the option to convert to a double, or add a Vista Piggyback Board for an older toddler.


Here is a comparison of the 2020 UPPAbaby Vista V2 versus the 2019 UPPAbaby Vista, which goes into greater detail about what changes are coming for 2020.

UPPAbaby will be discontinuing production of the 2019 Vista model when the 2020 Vista V2 is released. Most 2019 colors will be continuing into 2020, with the exception of William Chambray Oxford, Henry Blue Marl, and Spenser Tartan Plaid, so you can still expect to find a coordinating Rumbleseat in the future for most of these colors.

For the best continuity with your new stroller, you may prefer the newest version so that the seat style of the toddler seat (included with purchase of the Vista) best matches the Rumbleseat when turning your Vista into a double. 


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