2022 UPPAbaby Vista V2 vs. 2021 UPPAbaby Vista V2 Stroller Comparison
Looking for the 2022 UPPAbaby Vista V2?
UPPAbaby isn't releasing a new version of the Vista V2 in 2022. The Vista V2 hasn't changed since its release in 2020, aside from a few color changes. (Stroller models, not unlike cars, are typically updated only every few years.)
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However, UPPAbaby is launching other new products in early 2022, including a redesigned version of its infant car seat. The UPPAbaby Mesa V2—compatible with all model years of the Vista—includes enhanced safety features, new colors and a larger sun canopy. Learn more in this UPPAbaby Mesa V2 vs. UPPAbaby Mesa comparison.
Here's what to know about the UPPAbaby Vista V2 in 2022.
2022 UPPAbaby Vista V2 vs. 2021 UPPAbaby Vista V2 Price
The price for all colors of the 2022 UPPAbaby Vista V2 is $999.99.
Strolleria sells the Vista V2 at the lowest prices allowed, with free shipping and rewards options.
2022 UPPAbaby Vista V2 Colors
All colors for the UPPAbaby Vista V2 are continuing into 2022 with no changes, with the exception of Jordan Charcoal Melange which has been discontinued. The stroller comes in these colors:
- Declan Charcoal Melange
- Greyson Charcoal Melange
- Stella Brushed Grey Melange
- Declan Oat Melange
- Alice Dusty Pink
- Emmett Green Melange
- Bryce White Marl
- Gregory Blue Melange
- Jake Black
- Noa Navy
Three new colors are being introduced for the UPPAbaby Mesa V2 car seat, allowing for more matching travel system options, and an all-new infant car seat model, the UPPAbaby Mesa Max car seat, is also available in five colors.
The Mesa V2 comes in these colors:
- Alice Dusty Pink
- Stella Grey Melange
- Jake Charcoal
The Mesa Max comes in these colors, including two fashions in merino wool:
- Gregory Blue Melange (merino wool blend)
- Greyson Charcoal Melange (merino wool blend)
- Anthony White Grey Marl
- Jake Charcoal Black
- Noa Navy Melange
Learn more about the differences between the new car seats in our UPPAbaby Mesa V2 vs. Mesa Max comparison.
2022 UPPAbaby Vista V2 Compatibility
If you're looking to mix and match a new stroller with an older car seat or accessory—or vice versa—you're probably in luck.
Vista/Vista V2 strollers from 2015-present are compatible with the current line of car seat adapters, accessories and components, including the RumbleSeat needed to convert your stroller into a double.
These are the car seats compatible with the 2022 UPPAbaby Vista V2:
- UPPAbaby Mesa, Mesa V2, and Mesa Max
- Chicco KeyFit, KeyFit30 and Fit2
- Clek Liing
- Cybex Aton and Cloud Q series
- Maxi-Cosi Mico 30, Mico XP Max, Mico Max 30, Mico AP, Mico NXT, Mico, Citi, Cabrio and CabrioFix
- Nuna PIPA, PIPA RX, PIPA Lite, PIPA Lite R, PIPA Lite LX, and PIPA Lite RX
- Peg Perego Primo Viaggio 4-35, Nido and Lounge
For help with Vista adapters, see this post: What Adapters Do I Need for the UPPAbaby Vista?
Strolleria is dedicated to making the baby gear buying experience less overwhelming for parents. If you have more questions about the 2022 UPPAbaby Vista V2, feel free to contact us by starting a live chat or e-mailing customercare@strolleria.com.