Will My First Baby Arrive Early?

 Pregnant woman carrying Nuna PIPA infant car seat

Who knows! While all pregnancies and all babies are different, there's a good chance you may go late for your first baby. It’s smart to plan for baby’s arrival anytime from week 37 and on, but it’s also a good idea to expect your baby will be late so you’re not upset when the due date comes and passes (if it does). Pregnancy at the end can be tough so this will put less stress and pressure on a date that’s just an estimation!

To prepare for baby’s arrival make sure you order your car seat well in advance since baby cannot go home without one! We suggest having your car seat on hand no later than 35 weeks. This will give you time to get familiar with it, practice installing it, and practice buckling. Always read your manual when installing and getting it ready for baby. Remember, we’re always here to help as well!

Shop infant car seats here!

Shop travel systems (stroller and car seat combos!) here!

Have more questions? Contact us at cs@strolleria.com!