What is the longest use car seat?

3 kids in EXEC All-in-One - one baby, toddler and big kid

All-in-one car seats are considered some of the longest-lasting car seats available. They can potentially be the only car seat you'll ever need depending on the model you choose!

These versatile seats can be used in multiple modes, including rear-facing for  infants and toddlers, forward-facing for older children, and as booster seats for kids transitioning into a seatbelt. Some all-in-one car seats, such as the Nuna EXEC, fit newborns as tiny as 5 pounds! Be sure to take a look at the car seat's specifications or manual to know if a car will work for your needs.

While the weight and height limits vary by model, many all-in-one car seats have rear-facing limits that accommodate children weighing up to 40 pounds or more. Some of the highest-rated all-in-one seats even support rear-facing use for children up to 50 pounds, making them suitable for older kids.

Leading safety organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend keeping children in a rear-facing position for as long as possible, within the car seat manufacturer's specified weight and height limits. This is because rear-facing positions provide superior protection for a child's head, neck, and spine during potential collisions. Always consult the car seat's manual for precise limits and adhere to the manufacturer's guidelines to ensure safe and extended use of all-in-one car seats.

Shop All-in-One Car Seats here!

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