How many car seats do you need for a baby?

Baby in Nuna PIPA RX infant car seat

If you decide to go with an infant car seat for your newborn, you really only need one car seat. All but a couple infant car seats come with a base for easy install and the ability for the car seat to easily click in and out of the car! Additional bases can be purchased for secondary cars or grandparents and caregivers, making it easy to move the baby from car to car!

The rule is to always keep the actual car seat with the baby - whether that's at day care, in your home, at a babysitter's - wherever baby is that's where the car seat should be. Then whoever picks up baby always has the car seat, and can use the base they have in their car. Or, if they don't have a base, they can always install the car seat with the seatbelt! Note that there are a couple car seats that cannot be installed without a base.

Infant car seats are outgrown around a year old, so you will need to purchase a convertible car seat and booster seat following your initial infant car seat purchase. 

Shop infant car seats here!

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