Cybex Priam4 vs. UPPAbaby Vista V2

Cybex Priam4 vs. Uppababy Vista V2 | Stroller Comparison

Congratulations! If you are landing here you likely have a baby on the way and are in the midst of countless hours of stroller research as you strive to find the perfect one. Strollers are not only a significant investment but also a crucial piece of equipment for families, so it's understandable why so much time is spent pondering the myriad of available options. If you're exploring single strollers and travel systems, this article could be a valuable resource for you. Dive in for an in-depth comparison of two full-size, high-quality options: the Cybex Priam4 and the UPPAbaby Vista V2.

Cybex Priam4 vs. UPPAbaby Vista V2


What similarities do the Cybex Priam4 and UPPAbaby Vista V2 share?

The Cybex Priam4 and UPPAbaby Vista V2 stand out as excellent choices for both suburban and city families alike. Their user-friendly designs make them easy to navigate in and out of cars, seamlessly integrating with their respective infant car seats for convenient travel system use. Ideal for city living, both the Priam4 and Vista V2 serve as exceptional primary transportation options. offering a range of full-size features characteristic of premium brands. These two strollers share numerous sought-after features that cater to the diverse needs of families in various settings.

Shared Features:

  • Reversible stroller seat for parent or world facing
  • Height-adjustable handle bar
  • Extendable canopy with UPF50+ protection and ventilation panel
  • Foam filled, never flat wheels 
  • Advanced suspension
  • Infant car seat compatible
  • Standing fold

What stroller offers better performance? Cybex Priam4 vs. UPPAbaby Vista V2?

Cybex Priam4 vs. UPPAbaby Vista V2

Both the Priam4 and Vista V2 boast never-flat, foam-filled wheels complemented by all-wheel suspension. This design ensures exceptional performance on smooth and paved surfaces while also handling various terrains with ease, broken sidewalks won't slow these strollers down! Though their wheel sizes are quite comparable, the Priam4 has slightly larger back wheels, while the Vista V2 has slightly larger front wheels. The Priam4's smaller footprint enhances maneuverability, and it offers a 2-wheel trolley function, facilitating effortless navigation through sand and snow, as well as the convenience of being pulled up stairs. Notably, the Vista V2 lacks this specific function.

What infant car seats are compatible with the Cybex Priam4 and UPPAbaby Vista V2?

Cybex Priam4 vs. UPPAbaby Vista V2

The Cybex Priam4 and UPPAbaby Vista V2 can both easily convert into travel systems by pairing with their respective brand-designed infant car seats.

The Priam4 comes with a set of post adapters for seamless compatibility with Cybex infant car seats, and interestingly, these adapters are also compatible with a variety of alternative brand infant car seats.

For a full list of Priam4 compatible infant car seats, refer >>>here.

The Vista V2 provides direct compatibility with UPPAbaby infant car seats- no need for adapters. The Vista V2 also provides compatibility with non-UPPAbaby branded infant car seats with the use of adapters. 

For a full list of Vista V2 compatible infant car seats, refer >>>here.


Can either the Cybex Priam4 or UPPAbaby Vista V2 be used from birth?

Cybex Priam4 vs. UPPAbaby Vista V2

The Cybex Priam4 stroller seat offers a near-flat recline, but because it doesn't lay fully flat, it's not considered newborn-safe. To use the Priam4 from birth, it should be paired with either an infant car seat or its corresponding Cot (sold separately). It's recommended for babies to lie flat as much as possible to promote proper spine development, and the cot provides the ideal newborn strolling environment.

The Vista V2 comes equipped with both a stroller seat and a bassinet, offering versatility for different stages of your child's growth. The stroller/toddler seat is recommended for use from 6 months to 50 lbs and is not suitable for newborns. On the other hand, the bassinet is the preferred option for newborns and can be used to 6 months. The inclusion of the UPPAbaby bassinet enhances the overall value of the Vista V2 purchase. Notably, the bassinet is rated for overnight sleep and can serve as a primary bedside sleep system when combined with the UPPAbaby Bassinet Stand. Additionally, the Vista V2 can also be paired with an infant car seat, providing a secondary option for use from birth.


Can either the Cybex Priam4 or UPPAbaby Vista V2 be used as a double stroller?


UPPAbaby Vista V2 Double Stroller

The Priam4 is designed as a single stroller and does not have the capacity to accommodate two seated children simultaneously. However, for parents with an older child, Cybex provides a separately sold ride-on-board that can be added to the stroller. This ride-on board allows an older child to stand and ride along with the Priam4.

The Vista V2 stands out for its exceptional convenience with its convertible design. This stroller has the flexibility to transform from a single to a double configuration. To achieve the double stroller setup, a separate purchase of a Vista Rumble Seat and adapters is necessary. UPPAbaby, also offers a ride-on-board that allows the Vista V2 to transport up to 3 children! For a detailed exploration of the available configurations, you can refer to our comprehensive article >>>here.


What stroller has better features? Cybex Priam4 vs. UPPAbaby Vista V2:

Cybex Priam4 vs. UPPAbaby Vista V2

We previously discussed some shared premium features and provided a detailed feature list for each stroller below. Now, let's delve into some noteworthy distinctions between the two.

Cybex Priam4 highlights:

  • one-handed fold (Vista requires two hands for folding)
  • weight capacity of 55lbs (Vista weight limit 50lbs)
  • trolley mode with baby in tow
  • one pull harness for easy securing (similar to car seat harness use)
  • elevated seat positioning to bring baby closer to pusher for effortless bonding and interaction
  • Comes in a variety of mix and match seat colors and frame colors, and offered in fashion collections in collaboration with renowned artists. 

Vista V2 highlights:

  • one-step fold
  • large storage basket with 30lbs weight capacity
  • directly compatible with UPPAbaby infant car seats without adapters
  • bassinet included with purchase
  • convertible to a double stroller


 Cybex Priam4 Full Feature List:

  • XXL extendable canopy with UPF50+ protection
  • breathable mesh window in canopy for premium airflow
  • Backrest storage pocket
  • padded seat inlay
  • padded harness with one-pull fit adjustment
  • removable, machine washable fabrics
  • seat pack is reversible for parent or world facing orientations
  • suitable for use from birth to 55lbs
  • one-handle recline offering multiple positions
  • all-wheel suspension
  • all-terrain, never-flat foam filled rubber wheels
  • lockable swivel wheels
  • height adjustable, leather-like handlebar
  • Convenient two-wheel mode for strolling up staircases
  • adjustable footrest with deep foot-well
  • removable bumper bar
  • XL storage basket with magnetic closure 
  • one-handed fold, self standing fold
  • included car seat adapter for use as a travel system with Cybex infant car seats

UPPAbaby Vista V2 Full Feature List:


  • Perforated Bassinet mattress pad, vented base and canopy for added breathability
  • Extendable, pop out UPF 50+ sunshade
  • One-handed release from stroller
  • Depth and ventilation provide an overnight sleep solution
  • Zip out, water-repellent inner liner and boot cover are easy to remove and clean

Toddler Seat + Frame

  • Ability to transport up to three children with RumbleSeat and PiggyBack accessories
  • Full-size reversible Toddler Seat
  • Five-point, no-rethread harness
  • Extendable canopy with UPF 50+ protection, zip out fabric and mesh panels
  • Vented peekaboo window
  • One-handed, multi-position recline
  • Adjustable handlebar
  • Extra-large, easy-access basket with 30 lbs weight limit
  • All-wheel suspension
  • Front wheel locks with visual indicators
  • Mesa Infant Car Seat attaches directly to stroller without adapters
  • 100% full-grain leather accents
  • One-step fold, stands when folded

Dimensions and Specs: Cybex Priam4 vs. UPPAbaby Vista V2:

Open Dimensions:

  • Priam436.2"L x 23.6"W x 44.5"H
  • Vista V2: 36” L x 25.7” W x 39.5” H

Folded Dimensions:

  • Priam437"L x 23.6"W x 14.5"H
  • Vista V2: 17.3” L x 25.7” W x 33.3” H

 Stroller Weight:

Wheels size:

  • Priam4: 7.87" in the front, 11.8" rear 
  • Vista V2: 8" front, 11.5" rear

Recommended Use:

  • Priam4: From birth (with infant car seat or cot) to 55lbs
  • Vista V2: From birth (with infant car seat or bassinet) to 50lbs

Storage Basket Weight Capacity:


  • Priam4: 2 years
  • Vista V2: 2 years, with an extended 1 year if the product is registered within 3 months of purchase

What's in the box:

  • Priam4: Stroller frame, seat pack, bumper bar, rain cover, cup holder, infant car seat adapters.
  • Vista V2: Stroller frame with toddler seat, bassinet, bassinet storage bag, bumper bar, toddler seat rain cover, toddler seat bug cover, bassinet bug cover

What stroller brand offers better accessories, Cybex or UPPAbaby? Cybex Priam4 vs. UPPAbaby Vista V2:

Cybex Priam4 vs. UPPAbaby Vista V2

Both Cybex and UPPAbaby provide a range of accessories to enhance the functionality of each stroller. Explore the accessory assortments for each brand below.

 Cybex Priam4 Accessories:


Vista V2 Accessories:

What stroller is better for my family? Cybex Priam4 vs. UPPAbaby Vista V2:

 Cybex Priam4 vs. UPPAbaby Vista V2

As outlined in this article, both the Cybex Priam4 and UPPAbaby Vista V2 deliver premium performance and features. The primary distinction between them lies in their size and convertibility. Families seeking a single stroller with a smaller footprint and a focus on maneuverability would likely find the Priam4 to be the optimal choice. Conversely, for parents planning to quickly expand their families, the Vista V2 proves to be a valuable investment!


Strolleria is dedicated to making the gear buying experience less overwhelming for parents.

If you have more questions about the Cybex Priam4 vs. UPPAbaby Vista V2 debate, feel free to start a live chat or email us at