Is the Doona Stroller System Worth Buying?

Is the Doona worth it?

For many parents, the Doona—the only infant car seat that turns into a stroller—is well worth the investment during the first year of your child's life.

If you are a frequent traveler or live in a city where space is a concern, the Doona ensures you have a highly portable, travel-ready stroller for your infant without needing to bring a separate car seat and stroller everywhere you go.

How long can a baby use the Doona?

Like any other infant car seat, the Doona can be used for baby's first year, give or take a few months depending mostly on your child's height.

Your baby will outgrow the Doona at 32 inches tall (or less commonly, at 35 pounds). You'll know when your baby is too big for the Doona when there's less than a inch between the top of his head and the top of the car seat. If that happens before your baby is 32 inches tall, it is outgrown. 

At that point, you'll need to get both a new stroller and a convertible car seat that your child will use for the next 5-6 years.

What are the Doona's pros and cons?

Here are some of the common benefits to choosing the Doona over a travel system consisting of a separate stroller and car seat.

  • Eliminates need for a separate stroller in the first year
  • Ultra-portable
  • Can be installed in a car or on an airplane with or without the car seat base
  • Compact
  • Many available accessories

    However, there are some potential drawbacks that might make the Doona less ideal for some parents.

    • Can't be used as a stroller after your child outgrows the car seat
    • No storage without purchase of accessories
    • Heavier to lift than most infant car seats
    • Not compatible with other strollers
    • Small tires best for smooth surfaces

    Is the Doona worth the money?

    The Doona costs $550, making it less expensive than most stroller/car seat travel systems. But because you'll have to purchase another stroller once your child outgrows the Doona, you may determine the Doona isn't worth the money.

    In general, you can expect to spend between $250 and $400 for an infant car seat. While the Doona is the highest-priced infant car seat, it can eliminate the need to purchase a stroller for baby's first year.

    The price of a single stroller that can fit an infant car seat varies widely, from $300 to over $1,500. Most strollers that can accommodate car seats are less compact than the Doona, which may be less convenient if you frequently travel. 

    But when your baby outgrows the Doona around age 1, you'll likely purchase another stroller to use through toddlerhood. Lightweight travel strollers range from about $200 to $700, so some parents opt to purchase a car seat-compatible travel stroller from the beginning rather than buying a Doona and another stroller later on. 

    Is the Doona right for me?

    The Doona may be right for you if you frequently travel, take taxis or ride-shares often, or simply want to minimize the amount of baby gear to purchase during your child's first year.

    Check out our Guide to the Best Strollers to consider other options that may fit your family's needs, including:

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