How Long Can My Child Use the UPPAbaby Mesa Car Seat for?


Happy baby in UPPAbaby Mesa V2 car seat in car

As an infant car seat, the UPPAbaby Mesa series can be used for approximately one year.

UPPAbaby launched two new versions of the best-selling Mesa car seat in 2022, the Mesa V2 that provides updates to the original Mesa model, and a new Mesa Max version with a load leg base that's new to UPPAbaby's car seats. All three versions, the now discontinued Mesa, the Mesa V2, and the Mesa Max support infants for the same length of time and have identical weight and height capacities.

Learn more about the Mesa V2 vs. Mesa Max here.

While the UPPAbaby Mesa series has a weight limit of 35 pounds, almost all babies will outgrow the car seat once they reach 32 inches in height—or when there's less than an inch between the top of baby's head and the top of the car seat, whichever comes first. 

For parents planning to using their first child's infant car seat for other children as their family grows, the UPPAbaby Mesa can be used safely for many years to come because of its long expiration date and limited lifetime warranty offered by the manufacturer.

How long can baby use the UPPAbaby Mesa Infant Car Seat?

Any model from UPPAbaby's Mesa infant car seat series is designed to support your child from day one up to approximately 12 months old—give or take a few months, depending on how fast baby is growing!

Using the included infant insert, the Mesa can be used with infants as small as 4 pounds. For the original Mesa model, UPPAbaby recommends using the infant insert, which is a small and easy to remove fabric pad that goes under your little one, from between 4 and 8 pounds to help ensure proper positioning in their car seat.

The redesigned infant inserts on the Mesa V2 and Mesa Max are more plush with supportive positioning, and have a longer usage - from 4 pounds up to 11 pounds.

The insert will be removed when your infant begins growing on top of the buckle, making it difficult to buckle the harness.

From there, the Mesa is easy to adjust as your child grows, thanks to a no-rethread harness integrated into the adjustable headrest with side impact protection.

When making adjustments, the harness should be snug: If you can pinch the harness webbing at the child's shoulders, the harness should be tightened.

The UPPAbaby Mesa can be used until your child is 32 inches tall or weighs 35 pounds, whichever comes first. While these limits are generous, your baby also has to have more than 1 inch above their head and the top of the car seat. Once one of these limits is getting close it's a good indicator that your little one is ready for a convertible car seat!

At that point, you'll want to select a larger car seat, such as the UPPAbaby Knox, that ensures baby's head and neck are properly protected.

How long can you use the UPPAbaby MESA?

When does the UPPAbaby Mesa expire?

The UPPAbaby Mesa series car seats expire 7 years after the date it was manufactured. You can find the expiration date of your car seat printed on the bottom of the seat shell and the car seat base.

Infant car seat expiration dates help ensure that you are using a car seat that is functioning as designed to protect your child on the go.

You will want to plan on replacing the car seat before the expiration indicated for a number of reasons.

Most importantly, materials used to build all car seats (from foam to metal to plastic parts) will be affected overtime by daily use, exposure to the elements such as humidity, and extreme temperature variation in your vehicle.

Car seats at or beyond their expiration date will not have the structural integrity needed in event of an accident. With a safety item like this, you want to ensure it is functioning exactly as designed to protect its precious cargo.

Baby in Mesa V2 on a stroller with mom talking to him

What does the UPPAbaby Mesa warranty include?

Since January 2019, UPPAbaby has offered a limited lifetime warranty on the UPPAbaby Mesa as well as their other car seats, the Alta and Knox. 

To be eligible for the limited lifetime warranty, customers must register the Mesa with UPPAbaby within three months of purchase from an authorized U.S. retailer, such as Strolleria. 

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