How Do You Wear a Happy Baby Carrier?

Two baby wearing moms talking

There are three different ways to wear a Happy Baby carrier - newborn carry, front carry, or back carry with an older baby. 

Check out this video for a helpful demonstration of how to carry a newborn in your Happy Baby carrier:

This front carry position is perfect for your 3+ month old baby that still loves to be close to you: 

And for those 6 months+ babies that want to piggy-back, here's a helpful tutorial on setting up your Happy Baby carrier for a back carry:

Happy Baby fits babies from 7 pounds up to 45 pounds, who no infant insert needed in the early days. It's known to be one of the most comfortable and stylish baby carriers on the market as it's not bulky, and beautifully made. Happy Baby carriers are designed to be inclusive of all sizes, ensuring equal comfort for both petite and plus-size parents alike!

Check out all the beautiful color options here! 

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