Black Friday Nuna EXEC 2024

Nuna EXEC Black Friday Sale


Chack back to this page to see if the Nuna EXEC will be on sale for Black Friday 2024.

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As a luxury brand, Nuna sets pricing for all retailers nationwide and rarely offers a lower price.

Strolleria offers the best available price on the Nuna EXEC, with free and fast shipping and a rewards program offering 10% back on every purchase. If an authorized retailer publishes a lower price on the EXEC, we'll match it.

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About Nuna EXEC

The Nuna EXEC is an all-in-one car seat that transitions from rear-facing to forward-facing to booster seat, growing with your child for more than 8 years—from 5 pounds all the way to 120 pounds.

When your child is ready for a booster seat, the five-point harness on the Nuna EXEC can be stored inside the seat, allowing your child to wear the vehicle seatbelt.

The Nuna EXEC has an all-steel frame and an adjustable leg rest that provides extra support for a forward-facing child. In rear-facing mode, the leg rest serves as an anti-rebound panel that prevents the car seat from rotating in a crash.

The EXEC also comes with a few extras: a second set of infant inserts and a machine-washable slip cover that protects the seat from dirty shoes.