Strollers Compatible with Maxi-Cosi Coral XP Infant Car Seat
16 products
The innovative Coral XP infant car seat with removable, ultra lightweight inner carrier, is compatible with Maxi Cosi strollers as well as select premium strollers from other brands.
Please note that to attach the Maxi Cosi Coral XP infant car seat inner carrier to a stroller, you'll need the Coral XP Inner Carrier Adapter, plus the adapters listed below for the stroller. The Inner Carrier Adapter is not needed if you'll attach the complete Coral XP infant car seat shell and inner carrier to a stroller.
- Baby Jogger City Select, City Select LUX (with adapter - discontinued)
- Babyzen YOYO2 (with adapter + Inner Carrier Adapter)
- Bugaboo Bee6 (with included adapter)
- Bugaboo Fox, Fox2 (with adapter)
- Bugaboo Donkey, Donkey2, Donkey3, Donkey5 (with Mono or Twin adapter)
- egg3 (with adapter)
- Maxi Cosi Lila (with included adapter)
- Maxi Cosi Tayla (with included adapter)
- Stokke Xplory V6, Xplory X (with adapter)