Car Seats with Extended Rear Facing Limits

Car Seats with Extended Rear Facing Limits

6 products

    Keeping your little one rear-facing in the car is a big deal for their safety, and here's why. In case of a crash, those impact forces get spread out across the back of the car seat, giving extra protection to your kiddo's still-developing neck and spine. This setup significantly lowers the risk of spinal cord injuries and neck stress, especially crucial for infants and toddlers.

    Rear-facing positions not only provide top-notch head and neck support but also come with an overall reduced risk of injury – and that's backed by studies and real-world crash data. Plus, many of the latest convertible car seats let you keep your kiddo in this safer rear-facing position for a longer time, thanks to higher weight and height limits! 

    See below for Strolleria's selection of extended rear-facing car seats! All of the options below will allow you to rear face your little one up to 50 pounds. 

    6 products